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QL Special #1 — $289.95 QL Special #2 — $299.95 >QL Computer-free ground shipping > QL Computer >WD Utility Prg. worth $16.95 > Free |.C.E. ROM >Subscription QL Report $15.00 | CON-based front end >8 Free programs including: operating system for QL — music program > $8.00 shipping — windows demo packages include the 4
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TIME DESIGNS MAGAZINE CoO. 29722 Hult Rd.* Colton, Oregon 97017 (503) 624-2658
TIME DESIGNS MAGAZINE is published bi- ‘monthly and is Copyright © 1986 by the Time Designs Magazine Company, Colton, Oregon 97017. All rights reserved.
Editor: Tim Woods
Assistant Editor: Stephanie Woods Editorlal Assistant/Production: D.L. Woods Photography:
(unless otherwise noted): Thomas Judd
Printing by; Toad’! Litho Printing and Comp., Oregon City, Oregon 97045
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 a year for six issues (US funds only). No extra charge to Canadian subscribers. All other countries please write for information on air mail rates.
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COMMENTS by the editor
Commodore...Soon to join our ranks?
It's been a downhill slide ever since Jack saw the greener grass over at Atari, packed his bags and left Commodore, the company he saw rise to prominence in just three years. Things are bad at Commodore. Real bad. Experts say the the company is losing nearly 120 million
a year--that figures out to be around 3 million a week! If Commodore does bail out, one can only wonder what's in stone for countless enthusiasts world-wide.
Will the small company and cottage industry be the main source of support, just like our own community emerged two years ago? Will the slick magazines bail out (just Vike SYNC and TIMEX/SINCLAIR USER did)? A lot of after- market software and hardware houses are counting on the health of Commodore for their very existence.
What does all of this mean to you and me? Actually, I want to use Commodore as a "vehicle" for my annual Jecture on SUPPORT. Where would we be without our disk drives, printer interfaces, Spectrum Emulators; not to mention some really great home-brew software and various
Publications? We would have been dead in the water months ago. Will our supply of computer “goodies” last. 1
believe so...but it will require everyones participation and SUPPORT. Unless we send for that great-looking new Program or board for our Sinclair, or even just respond to catalog offers that we read in newsletters and mags-- we won't have Aerco, E. Arthur Brown, Zebra Systens, Novelsoft, Weymil Corp, Curry, Knighted--so forth and so on. If you have been thinking about a new is the time...tomorrow maybe a little too late.
I always wonder as I'm “pasting up” the ads in TIME DESIGNS, just how many readers actually pay attention to them. Some company has paid us good money for a spot in the magazine. This helps offset our production costs. Please SUPPORT our dear advertisers, they SUPPORT us.
Well, another lecture has come to a close. I'll get down off my soapbox now. Enjoy this issue of TDM, and get ready for the next one--our Second Anniversary Issue, And what a celebration that one's going to be!
lim (Joo
“the editor”
on the cover:
Renew Your Subscription Today!
CRITICAL MASS (Arca ‘An outlying system of the Terra Federation has set up an advanced
SABOTEUR (Martial Arts Arcade Adventure) You are a highly skilled mercenary trained in the martial arts You are
3 anti-matter conversion plant on a centrally positioned esterold to employedto infitratea central sécurity building which is disguised as a © _ supply the local colonists with energy. A surprise attack by alien forces warehouse. You must steal a disk that contains the names of all the 1 has successtully overcome the asteroid's defences and the aliens are rebel leaders betore its information 1s sent to the outlying security —& Now threatening to self-destruct the power plant unless the colonists stations. You are working against the clock. both in getting to the disk , _ offer an unconditional surrender. The self-destruction process would making your escape. You mustenter the building from the sea by
effectively turn the power plant into a massive black hole that would rubber dinghy. and will then only be able to leave by the helicopter on | wipe out the entire planetary system along with a number of nearby theroot. You willhave to find your way around the warehouse, making |__ stars Unconditional surrender offers an equally horrific prospect, Your use of the guards’ own weapon supplies in your struggle through | mission is to infiltrate the enemy position and disable the anti-matter overwhelming odds.
plant before the aliens achieve CRITICAL MASS, a CATALOG #1026 $15.95 CATALOG #1098 $15.95 8 5 eek DUAL DISC DRIVES & INTERFACE FOR QL--$250.00 zk kk KK a DUAL DISK DRIVES & INTERFACE a FOR YOUR QL COMPUTER ....... f Now you can cut the rising i costs of data storage on oA your QL in half (at least). 2 These 3" drives are answer Ss to your prayers........ top sg quality and they hold about < 160K per side (the "hard" a : P
cased floppies can be flipped
= 3 over) for additional 160K of DISK DRIVES
storage space! And, don't forget the great convienience
ADD 5.00 S&H
(not to mention the super reliability of these disks) of having
a second disk drive on line!
-including and we'll
even put the WP,DB,SS, and BG programs on one of the two disks supplied with the drives -- ready to run -- and our regular disk
drive interface ALL INCLUDED.....
++sNOW ONLY $249.95 !
3" DISKS - (for above)
- Encased in hard plastic with a sliding metal "door" to keep dust (& fingerprints)
from getting onto the
The metal door opens automatically when the disk is put into the drive. BULLETIN - A NEW FACTORY JUST OPENED UP IN HONG KONG TO PROCUDE THE 3" DISKS - WE BELIEVE A PRICE REDUCTION FOR THESE DISKS WILL FOLLOW SOON! $4.50 each or 10 Disks for $43.50
707 Highland Street FULTON, NY 13069 (315) 593-8219
To the Editor,
I really enjoy your magazine and please keep up the good work! I have a you know of any 88S Program for the 2068 (using the 2050 modem)?
T have included two graphic printouts that I made using a program that I call "draw". Hope you enjoy them as much as I did making then,
Truly yours,
Clifton Tiddle Diamond Bar, CA
Editon: CLégton, your in luck. 1 just tatked to Eben Brown on the phone, of E. Arthur Brown Co. (3404 Paunee Drive, Alexandria, MN 56308, 612/762-8847). He has a new BBS prognam that wilt be featured in his next catalog. 12's catked CASBOARD 2068, and is avaitable on eéther cassette on ALJ wager. The Load and Save commands are in BASIC, 40 the program could be easity converted to any disk drive system. CASBOARD, was programmed by Kurt Casby, best known fon his LOADER series of prograns. Preliminary speci¢ications sound great...and should be a Lot of fun setting up a smake home-based BBS. Paice is $19.95 plus $1.95 for postage. T déd enjoy your drawings. here gor others £0 admire.
ssand I've printed them
To the Editor and the Readers:
Can anyone cone up with a simple program for my T/S 2068 which will print the characters immediately on the printer instead of on the screen? With this capa- bility T would like to use the computer and its printer without the TV/monitor to do simple computations, Can anyone help?
Michael J Nowak San Diego, CA
Editon: I'LL forward any possible solutions on to Mr. Nowak that we receive, as well as publish them in an up- coming issue. I assume that the regerence to a "printer" means the Timex 2040 thermal printer. C'mon programmers!
Dear Tim,
Thank you for showing interest in my little gizmo. I have written to other publications, but no one even answered to say the were not interested. You have my Permission to print my address, I will be glad to cor- respond with anyone who needs more information on adding automatic two-key entry from a one-key closure (to an external keyboard like the TI 994/A surplus keyboard),
Sincerely, D. (Sandy) Rea
« Rt. 1 Box 18 Priest River, 1D 83856
T appreciate you sharing your circuit diagram with us.
Be Sa... 4, bu,
fits of Ps Stir key 4066A chin
"As Fer bower leks Lath, Re.
Om Resistance, ‘Fat
When key is closed, +5 volts is applied to both gate inputs. Gate #1 switches immediately Closing switch #1 in 4066 for shift function. Gate #2, because of delay in charging Cl thru Rl switches after gate #1, closing switch #2
Keybenra key for cursor-left function. If this’ circuit te Eater beet duplicated for more functions such as shift
cursor-right, the shift key sections of the 4066 may be tied in parallel, as many sections of the 4066 may be done this way, as desired. The gates! chip can be any OR Function chip, TTL, CMOS or LS.
T remember some time ago in TDM that you asked readers to send some simple programs for publication, so enclosed is one for the 2068, which you may use if you wish. AS you can see, this calculates the number of days between any 2 dates (I think the limits are 1900 to 2010) and accounts for leap years, also.
By the way, in the Jan/Feb 86 issue, page 3, you published a T/S 1000 “bubble sort” for a reader. 1 could hot make the program work without deleting line 230 (LET Nel).
Leo Schroeder Billings, MT
2 REN DAY BETUEEN oATES. BOKE GIVES KEY BEEP 49 POKE 23603,108: Go TO 900 200 LET Onys (MS); LET JeINT (2 5447S) -INT (79047) /4436 747 40-28 Fo ULENT (Q7100144) 3374). RETURN,
924 INPUT “PIRSt GATE? MO-DAYY BU,Ng0.V; CRINT “PERST DATE"); 925 Go sUB 100: Ler visu
What’s In A Name?
Early in 1983, advertisements for INTERNATIONAL appeared in the national Sinclair magazine SYNC, Ramex, of Utica, Michigan, sold external 2X81 keyboards, RAM packs, among ‘other items, With the advent Of the 2068, the company ‘expanded further, under the direction of general manager, Scott Duncan. They obtained the ex- clustve'marketing rights to TASHORD TWO word processor from Tasman Software in Great Britain. Later on, after Timex bailed out of the U.S. Computer market, Ramex imported a Spectrum disk Grive interface for the T/S 2068 and coupled it with quad drives as a was called the "Hillennia K", An “overkill with the quad Grives later led to an Andek 3" disk system.
Then in February of 1986, Ramex announced that they were no longer supporting Timex con- puters or their disk drive system, but instead ‘opted to carry the American version of the QL from Sinclair Research plus peripherals and software. They changed the name Ramex Inter~ ational to FOUNDATION SYSTEMS. About the same time, they moved from their original facilities to an address in Kashington, Michigan, A new public relations manager wrote a review on the QL, which appeared in the February issue of Computer Shopper.
When At Computer Response of Keene, New Hampshire, took over distribution of the QL in the U,S.," Foundation Systens became a fully authorized dealer.
In June and “July of this year, several readers of TOM wrote, requesting assistance in contacting Foundation Systems, because Qls they had sent for were not being delivered. What TOM Jearned was that the distributor, Ar Response was receiving similar complaints, and that Foundation’s phone number had been’ dis~ connected. A spokesperson for At informed TOM that Foundation was no longer an authorized QL dealer.
By surprise, that once wore,
in August, TOM was informed nother company had surfaced using the s hington, Hichigan address. 4s called MATRIX TECHNOLOGIES. The company out a small ad in the Septenber 1986 issue of Family Computing Magazine. The new product? 10 PC clones for $399.
Sir Clive’s Confessions
Entrepeneur extraordinaire, Sir Clive Sinclair, has ended several months of silence, following the sale of major interests in his company that pioneered low-cost home computers, to Amstrad Consumer Electronics PLC. Last week, Sir Clive came out of seclusion and spoke with the British press. The following comments were taken from two separate interviews relating to questions posed about Sinclair microcomputers.
Sir Clive on the Spectrum-
"The Spectrum was and still is an enormous success although it is showing it's age a bit. I was rather surprised to see it turn out to be a games machine...we really knew very little about that side of the market."
What about the QL?
"I think the QL was an interesting idea in the end it didn't work out very well, as we had originally anticipated. The market for a 68000-based micro wasn't as big as research led us to believe. The QL had teething troubles early on, The truth was, that when the project came up, that later became the QL...I wanted to do the whole thing on the 280 microprocessor, but most of the engineers and Nigel (Nigel Searle, former Sinclair Marketing Director] wanted to do it on the 68000. I couldn't see the point of that because it seemed to me you were paying a lot of money for the chip and I couldn't see what you were going to be able to do on it that you couldn't already do on the 280. Sure it was a bit faster in principle...but it wasn't that in practice. Looking back there was no need to go for 68000 technology. He just haven't found a way to use the 68000 that gives any extra benefit to the customer."
Sir Clive on the Microdrives~
"The bad press the Microdrives received was unfounded, I'd defend them absoulutely. I think they were a marvelous approach to low cost mass storage. Their technology and application should be studied further."
What about the Pandora?
"T want to go ahead with the Pandora project. It will not be compatible with either the Spectrum or QL, as we have lost all rights to their tech- nology. I think it will be best in a way, as it opens the door for a new and customized operating system. Most of the portable computers available are compromises of one sort or another. To me, a portable computer must be totally portable and no trouble to use.”
Anstrad director, Alan Sugar?
"I hope to keep in touch with Alan Sugar, and I like
Sir Clive's future?
"Tam most happy right where I am now..tinkering with new projects the future, To be perfectly honest, I have never the business manager role.”
NOVELSOFT Emerges As Premier TS Software House
If one were to imagine what the ideal Timex/Sinclair software would be like, some attributes might include a full time office, open for customer's questions and support, professional products with “complete” documentation at a fair price and prompt order processing. NOVELSOFT of Toronto, Canada, may come close to filling the bill.
The reviews are out, and the word is spreading fast about recent soft- ware releases from Novelsoft; TIMACHINE, quite possibly the best BASIC Compiler ever for Sinclair computers; ARTWORX Version 1.1, a sophisticated graphics package; and a brand new release called THE WORK!, which is a collection of useful mini-programs. All of these releases are on their way to achieving "hit" status in the T/S community...a small accomplishment that would blush next to the giant software houses, but a respectful one never the less.
According to Novelsoft, Senior Partner, David Ridge, the company was started to promote their programs in Great Britain. They have had some in- terested U.K. software publishers, but the current situation in England with
+a sophisticated machine, but
him very much."
for felt comfortable playing
Amstrad and the Spectrum, has put a halt to most major investments. The whole industry is waiting to see what will happen next. Novelsoft has generously included a version of their popular programs
on one side of the tape for the Timex/Sinclair 2068. The other
side has a Spectrum version of the program,
Product/Dealer News
Sinclair telecomputing experts Ed Grey and Dave Clifford (G & C Computer Products), based in Southern California, have officially announced the release of SPECTERM-64 terminal software and the Z-SI/O card, an RS-232C interface for the T/S 2068. The Specterm-64 software will operate on a Spectrum-emulated T/S 2068. A stock 2068 version is planned for a later release. The terminal software includes a true 64 column display uses XMODEM protocol for file transfer, will transfer all control characters including ESC, has a 35K+ buffer, and is fully compatible with the T/S 2050 modem and the Sinclair Microdrives. Specterm-64 comes with extensive documentation, and a special version configured to run the Z~SI/0 card. The card was designed and manufactured by Dave Clifford, who also developed the Z-LINK Spectrum interface in 1985. Z-SI/0 includes a standard RS-232 connector (DB 25 pin), and a full buss feed-through. It will drive a wide range of peripherals, including any 300 and 1200 baud modem (including Hayes compatibles with the 2068. Note: Specterm-64 can be overlayed to run almost any RS-232 I/F currently available for the 1/S 2068, including the circuit featured in the March/Apri 1986 issue of TOM. Specterm-64 also has built in 1200 baud compatible routines. Price for Specterm-64 { $30.00 plus $2.00 S&H in U.S. (Canada add $2-U.S. funds) The Z~SI/0 card is $75.00 plus $3.50 S&H (Canada add $2). Additional information can be obtained by writing Ed Grey or Dave Clifford at: PO Box 2186, Inglewood, CA 90305, (213) 759-7406 or 516-6648
Another good value for your T/S modem-ing dollar, is the LOADER V software package by Kurt Casby (25 Battle Creek Court, St. Paul, MN 55119). It is an en: hancement for the 2068, 2050'modem and MTERM (Smart II terminal software. Loader V is the final suite in the “Loader” series previously offered by Mr. Casby. Loader V features: An additional 20 number dialing directory, an auto-repeating dialer, capability to Load Mterm buffer with any standard "Bytes" file, Loads text files Created with either TASWORD II or MSCRIPT into Mterm' buffer, an XMODEM protocol, among several other user- friendly features. The program on cassette with complete documentation is priced at $9.95.
Robert C. Fischer, producer of PRO/FILE EXTENSIONS, T/S GRADER, WORD PUZZLER, and WORD GAMES, has changed his address and can now be found at Rt 2, Arizona St. Emerson, GA 30137.
QL SCREEN DUMP is a utility program that allows the user to dump items produced on the screen in SuperBASIC, to any Epson-compatible printer. QL Screen Dump is written in fast, compact machine code and reportedly takes up less than 3/4K RAM. The program is available for $24.95 from E-Z KEY, Suite 75, 711 Southern Artery, Quincy, MA 02169.
The English Micro Connection of Newport, Rhode Island, closed it doors for good on August 5th, due to some "serious health problems". EMC owner and operator, Bob Dy] was an early supporter of TIME DESIGNS, and gave TOM several news items of Sinclair computing in Great Britain, obtained from several trips that Bob made to England. The editorial staff of TOM wish Bob a speedy recovery and best wishes for the future.
knighted Computers, 707 Highland St., Fulton, NY 13069, (315) 593-8219 has obtained some stock and items as a result of the closure of EMC. For information and prices on some interesting QL goodies, write to either Ray or Joe at Knighted.
Stan Lemke, a regular columnist for TOM, and owner of Lemke Software Development (2144 White Oak, Wichita, KS 67207), has done it again. His new program, COLOSSUS. looks like a winner. The program is a graphics banner designer package that allows the user to create a banner 32 screens long, with a variety of font styles/sizes, and add low-resolution graphics on, over and around the
es ——— aS
banner text. There are also extensive editing features Printing is to either 2040 or a full-size printer, with modifications by the user for specific printer/interface combinations. A bonus feature of Colossus is a “movie animation" function, that flips a total of 32 screens at the rate of four screens per second for an interesting effect. The program is available on cassette, with full documentation, and a sample animation file, for $19.9 (postage included).
HIGH RESOLUTION programming for Zx81-based micros, is the trend, up at Fred Nachbaur's workshop (address C-12 Mtn. Stn. Group Box, Nelson, B.C., VIL 5P1 Canada). We're not sure exactly how he does it, but we do know it takes a lot of memory. Fred's latest offering is a high- res maze adventure game for the Timex 1500 with either a 16K RAM pack or 8K Hunter Board (purchasers must specify which version). A later version for the ZX81 and T/S 1000 will be released. DUNGEON OF YMIR, is 100% machine code, with monsters and multi-levels.. Price i $24.95. Other hi-res programs are available.
Users Group Update
T/S User Group Correspondents: Send us your group's address and we will list it in an upcoming issue. We will also print announcements, special events and User Group news (if it's brief).
Anyone interested in forming a T/S User Club in the Leesburg area of (Central) Florida, should contact Warren Fricke, 225A Highland Dr, MFL, Leesburg, FL 32788 or phone (904) 589-2729,
Timex-Sinclair User Club, c/c Mr. Richard K. Norek, 188 St. Felix Ave.k, Cheektowaga, NY 14227.
Timex-Sinclair User Group, 1545 Alta Apt. 1402, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3P4,
Vista Drive,
PATS Users groups of Oregon, as well as a number of subscribers from the Northwest. Highlights included a QL demonstration by TDM writer, Mike de Sosa; preview of LIGHT SHOW 2000 (a program featured in this issue) by the author Michael Carver; Sinclair merchandise was displayed and sold by RMG Enterprises; and there were door prizes and refreshments. The day was enjoyed by all those who came. Tim Woods, Editor of TOM, announced that ‘the Open House would be an annual event.
————— OO ———————
Revox (a manufacturer of "Top-of-the -Line” audio equipment) recently introduced a cassette deck with an RS232 port, allowing control of the unit via a computer. For a mere $1,400.00, this cassette deck could be yours. LIGHT SHOW 2000 will turn the tables on the Revox for about 1/100th of the cost. LS 2000 is a program which will allow your cassette deck (or any other musical source) to control your computer.
LS 2000 will poll the ear port of your TS 2068 and decipher any pulse detected into one of four tonal groups (the shorter the pulse, the higher the note). De- Pending on the tone detected, a corresponding color pattern will be displayed on the screen. The user has control of the tonal groups, colors, duration of display and the speed at which the tones will be read. This flexibility allows one to "view" the same piece of music in a multitude of ways, or to tailor the program to a certain musical selection. LS 2000 comes with one preset
Set-Up to "display" music and provides for four user- defined set-ups. LS 2000 HOOK-UP To use LS 2000, some means of providing a musical
source to the computer must be used. There are several ways of accomplishing this, some more flexible and pre- ferable than others. The simplest means is to hook up a wire directly from the speaker of a stereo system to the earphone jack of the TS 2068. (IMPORTANT: Do not hook up more than one channel of a stereo system as this may damage the stereo amplifier.) This can be done by running speaker wire from the rear connectors of a speaker (or from the speaker output of your stereo) to your computer. Do not leave the speaker disconnected from the amplifier. A phone jack can be attached to the ends of the speaker wire and plugged directly into the computer's ear jack. Or alligator clips can be used to make a connection to your computer patch cords, The drawback of this approach is lack of control over the signal going into the computer. If the music is played at a low volume, the signal may be too low. Conversly, “Heavy Metal" from a 200+ watt system at full blast may cause your 2068 to become light dust.
If the tape recorder you use with the 2068 will play through the earphone jack while in record mode, it can be used to feed the sound source into the computer. A similar wire will be needed to plug into the micro- phone jack of the recorder, as previously discussed. Run
Radio Shack Part # Description
42-2370 4 W/RCA phono jack to wire 36 ine
42-2371 . + 72 Am
42-2372 . + 184 in
ack Attenuate or wire m
RCA Phono jack to 1/8" signal
a patch cord from the earphone jack of the recorder to the earphone jack of your computer. Place a tape in the recorder and set it to record. If you opt for this method and plan to play your music at medium to high volume, I would suggest placing an attenuater in-line between the microphone input and the speaker wire from the stereo. (An attenuater may be obtained from Radio Shack for $1.99 -~ Part #274-300. This part has an RCA Jack for input and a regular mic/earphone jack for out- put.) This will help prevent distortion and possible overloading of your recorder. The preferable choice is to use Radio Shack's mini-amplifier ($11.95 -- Part #277 -1008). The hook-up is the same as with the tape re- corder. This method will allow control of the signa volume going into the computer. Once again, use an attenuater, if the musical source is to be played at any volume. If LS 2000 does not respond to inpute while using the attenuater, the attenuater should be removed (NOTE: This mini-amplifier can be used to boost the out- put of computer tapes you may have difficulty loading It also can be used to amplify BEEP output from your computer.)
A "walkman" type cassette player can also be used to supply music to the computer if it has two headphone Jacks. Use one of the jacks to run a patch cord to the computer.
Upon running LS 2000 you will be presented with a main menu (see example 1). "ENTER LIGHT SHOW" (Option 0 will pulse color patterns on the screen based on the in: put through the ear port. (NOTE: To return to the main menu while in this mode, press the "q" Key.) Option 1, “SYSTEM SET-UP", will provide a second menu allowing the user to select 1 of 5 permutations of LS 2000 (see example 2). The current set-up is highlighted via BRIGHT. (NOTE: If any of the parameters are changed, no current set-up. is shown.) This menu also allows viewing of the parameters for any compiled set-up (Option V) Option $ will define a set-up based on the curren setting (i.e.; mode, colors, tone, pulse, tempo). The user is prompted to choose a number to be compiled (2- 5) and for a name. When this new definition is compiled, it then becomes the current set-up.
From the main menu, the user can create different set-ups or setting. By changing any of the variou options (2-6), LS 2000 can be customized to any musical input or user preference. The best way to learn what each option does is to experiment. After changing an option, one can view the results by “Entering Light
Peducer tattenuater’ 199 274-297 eds jeonuetocy 18: (pone he qr Returns from Lignt show (277-1008 Mint Audio Amplifier w/sps 04.98,
SAID Bese: «cane
Show". Each setting option is provided with prompts and explanations from within the program. (See Sample Set- ups for examples.) Depending on the type of music or the quality of the input (dynamic range), one may need to retune the tone control. Tone 0 is the highest tone range, Tone 3 the lowest. The number assigned to a tone oe the upper limit at which LS 2000 will produce a pulse.
The Save/Load option allows the saving of favorite compiled setting to tape for later retrieval,
example 2
When the TS 2068 is loading a program from tape, it reads through the ear port (port FEh) the signals re- corded on the tape. The data needed to send the program is tored in bit 6. If the bit is set ("1") the frequency of the signal is 1020hz, if it is not set ("0"), the frequency is 2040hz. The frequency is determined by the length of the pulse detected. Port FEh also uses bits 4-0 to poll the keyboard. By sending out this port BORDER colors can be controlled (bits 2-0) or a BEEP can be triggered through bit 4. When a program is sent to tape, bit 3 of port FEh is used. The threshold of the ear port is 23khz, with the input being 4-10 volts p-p.
Carefully key in the BASIC listing. After you have typed in the program, SAVE the listing to tape before running the machine code loading routine. To load the machine code portion, ENTER as a direct command [RUN 9000]. This portion of the program will POKE the machine code into its proper address. It also checks for various typing errors and will provide instructions in case an error was detected. After the machine code has been Placed in memory, the program will set up the User Graphic “A", delete this portion of the program from the listing, and prompt you to SAVE & VERIFY the completed Program along with the compiled code. After VERIFYing, the program will self-run, Go ahead and try it out. NOTE: In Line 3, the A in quotes is typed via GRAPHIC mode [Caps Shift/9] CA] [Capts Shift/9].
3000-3050 3100-3170 3200-3280
The author will provide a copy of this
on tape for $4.00 (includes shipping). Please send a check or money order to: Michael £. Carver, 1016 NE Tillamook, Portland, OR 97212.
Please specify “Light Show 2000".
mode Tone Limit Timing Course/Fine wo mL wz ws, Tempo Pulse 1 240 208 192 160 10/256 in 1 245 208 192 160 tors 12/256 ° 213 208 192 160 2/150 in ° 213 208 192 170 in 10/176 1 | 213 208 192 170 3/100 10/176 BASIC LISTINo nots
= up the acres Ls 2000. NOT! blank, the compi: as INK hae be
‘The machine Proper INK color. Check th INK color in Line 1 to *7", direct command <Go TO 1>
by chant Line 9 sr
The POKE @ only. This te the USR call for the l@ portion of Ls 2000,
Contains data for Iine/column placement of Ls 2000 graphics.
ables ¢or LS 2000 Bast for Default "Set-Up*
System Set-Up Menu
Compiies current paramete
defined Set-Up
Parameters into (See Line 2999)
Machine Code as current
Dimplays parameters for a compiled Set-Up
ntains addr of Machine eters for current Set-Up
Code which nord
Option 2 -- Set Mode
Option 3 ==
¢ Colors
Option 4
Tone Cantrot
Option 5 ~~ Pulse Controt Control. NOTE: This subroutine 4 Options. Control of option t= Al IF 5 THEN Pulse Contro!
& option 6
Save/Load Option. Also allows for SAVE and LOAD without By ROM Error Report.
verification of aking the program with =
Subroutine to akan keyboard for input Routine to POKE Machine Code into menory
Routines to SAVE and LOAD LS 2000
1 BRIGHT 0: BORDER 0: RE STORE PAPER O: INK 0: CLS: L ET x=2 2 FOR a=1 To 69: READ y 205 THEN LET xexei NEXT @ 3 PRINT AT x,y!"A*: NEXT & 10 POKE 23658,0: RANDOMIZE USR 45056: INK 9: GO TO 1000 100 DATA 15,255, 12, 18,255, 15,25 5,10, 13,17, 20,255, 15, 255,8, 12,1 4,16, 18,22, 255, 10, 15,20, 255,12, 14, 16,18 4110 DATA 255,7, 124,23 420 DATA 255, 12,14, 16, 18,235, 10 +15, 20, 255, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18,22, 255 +15, 255, 10, 13, 17,20, 255, 15, 255, 12,18, 255,15 130 DATA 0,BIN 1000010,BIN 1111 00,BIN 11000,BIN 11000,BIN 1111 ©0,BIN 1000010,0 140 RESTORE 150: DIN (5,14 OR a=i TO 14: READ bi LET wit, deb: NEXT af DIM s8(5,31): LET (2) = "DEFAULT SETTING. weeett LET ai
o11y 13, 15,17, 19
FOR a=2 TO
Si LET ee(avede: NEXT «
150 DATA 1,0,240,208, 192, 160,,
345,25 10,0, 1,1
160 LET current=
DIM cs<3)
ER LIGHT SHOU... +208"
A****SET MODE... 2.
se2s2****SET COLORS... vees3****TONE CONTROL. se:4*°"*SET PULSE 25°07 *SET
2 DIM becs2):
41005 PRINT wos" Returns ¢ rom Light Show": ON ERR RESET
4010 GO SUB 8000: GO TO 1010+«99 © AND k@=*i")-(1009 AND keto") +1990 AND ke=*2")+(2090 AND kw 3*)+(2190 AND k@="4*)+(2290 A ND (k@="5* OR k 394(2990 AN D kee*7") 2000 PAPER 2: BORDER 2: CLS : RE M mystem set-uptieeeee 2010 INPUT INKEYS: PRINT INVERS E 1sAT 0,95 "SYSTEM SET-UP*s INV ERSE Os7**+* 2020 FOR ami TO 5: PRINT (ee(a) AND @(a,1))4(*SETTING NOT DEFIN pan AND NOT w(a,1)) fatti NEXT @ 2030 PRINT “COMPILE CURRENT SET- UPS on “VIEW SET-UP, seeeeeeeee eV"! *RETURN TO MAIN MENU. - me 2040 IF current THEN PRINT BRI GHT 11 OVER 1;AT current#z+3,03 be 2100 GO SUB 6000: GO TO 2100+110 © AND (k#="5* OR k@=*S"))+(200 AND (k@>=*L* AND kw@Cm*5*)) 4300 AND (k@=*v" OR k#=*V"))~ (1100 AND (k@=*m* OR ke=*M*)) 2200 REM compile set-up 2210 PRINT AT 15,03 OVER 1) PAPE R SibS: PRINT WO} "Set-Up w (2-5 2": GO SUB G000: IF kec="1" OR ke>e*6* THEN INPUT INKEYS: BEE P .35,10: GO To 2010 2220 LET kmVAL k@: PRINT AT ke2t 3,0) OVER 11 FLASH 1;bs: RESTOR © 2999: LET w(k,i)=1: FOR anz T © 14: READ bi LET #(k,a)=PEEK b NEXT a
2230 INPUT “Set-Up Name? “} LINE ke: LET ms(kiede: LET aeik, TO (LEN k® AND LEN k@<30)+(30 AND LEN k#>=30) ke 2240 LET current=k: GO To 2010
2300 REM make set-up current 2310 LET keVAL INKEY#: IF s(k,1)
=O THEN PRINT AT k#2+3,01 OVER 1s FLASH 1sbs: BEEP .35,10: FO
Ys: G0 To 2010 2320 RESTORE 2999: LET current=k
G0 To 2010
2400 REM View Set-up 2410 ON ERR GO TO 1000: PRINT
PAPER 31 OVER 11AT 17,0sb@iMis*
View Set-Up # (1-5)
IF k@c=*0* OR ka>=
To 2010
2420 LET KmVAL INKEY@: IF s(k,1)
=O THEN PRINT AT k#2#3,01 OVER 41 FLASH isbe: FOR a@i TO 100: NEXT a: BEEP .35,10: INPUT INK
Eve: PRINT AT k#2¢3,01 OVER 15
Go To 2010
Dik) INVERSE O°'*MODE “hm(k,2)° **Tone Color and Limit": PRINT PAPER O} INK @(k,7)}AT 6,31 °TO
NEO *SCHRS 1445" *s0(k,3), INK (k,8)4" TONE 1 *ICHRS 144;* = $e (k, 4) FAT 7,34 INK w(K, 991" TON
E 2 “iCHRS 1445 *s0(k,5), INK
=(k,1004* TONE 3 *ICHR® 1445" * 16k, 6)2 PAPER 2
2440 PRINT ***Timing"*'TAB 45*co
+s" Fine****Tempo "ye(k, it
)4(296 AND wk, 11)=256)5TAB 18s
8 (k,12)4(256 AND #(k,12)"0)* =P Awe “suk, 13)+(256 AND w(k, 13)
MODNTAB 18}m(k,14)+(256 AND w(k 114) "0)
2450 PRINT WOS"Prese any key to
return to Menu*: 60 SUB G000: @
0702000 |
2999 DATA 45351, 45076, 45080, 4508
4,45088, 45129, 45117, 45105, 45093. 145213, 45216, 45196, 45199
3000 REM wet mode
3OL0 PRINT *'"**Mode 0 -- Tone P
attern will staylit only during
ON Period.**"*Mode 1 -- Tone P
attern will staylit until next
Tone Pulse.*'**Currently set at