Badgammon (Backgammon).

Advanced Math (Calculus) $7.95 Calorie Counter.. $5.95 U.S.A. (Pres. & States & Caps.). $5.95

Gambler (poker)... CHR$ (char. 8 graphice generator) $12.95 Hangman & TIC-TAC—TOE.... 4

Brother M1109 Dot Matrix Printer, compact, low noise, 100 CPS, both Parallel and Serial inter- faces, multiple typestyles with near letter quality print mode and 4k memory buffer, comes with tractor feed unit $249.95

QL or Zebra FDD cable for above: $17.00

PO IB sag an US

The Best of SUM

Some sample articles include: Building Your Own Spectrum Emulator. Repairing Your TS-1000, Word Processing Reviews for the 2068, UDGs on the TS- 1000, Extensive Review of the Zebra Disk System. Adding a Keyboard to the 2068, and Enhancing the A & J Microdrive. 112 pages

Price: $11.95 FOOTE *



© for Centronics parallel printers * works in both 2068 and Spectrum mode * compatible with OS-64 & Spectrum emulators © EPROM socket and on/off switch on board * works with both Tasman and Aercodriver software © plugs into cartridge dock—door completely closes with cable running back under computer @ frees up rear edge connector allowing other peripherals to be used; less chance of a crash @ print driver software for LPRINT, LLIST, and COPY included for 2068 and Spectrum modes FootePrint Interface w/software & cable $39.95 FootePrint with OS-64 option included $60.00 Bare board & instructions only $ 20° Cable only for use with bare board .....,.$15°°

Zero Insertion Force Socket option add $10 THE BEST OF


\ 2 Scie te ose Tesesar Tr


A compilation of the best articles, reviews, programs, and hardware projects

The Best of SUM, Part I! Articles include Building an EPROM Program mer, Sprites on the 2068, Adding RGB to 2068, QL Word Processing, What's Available for TS-1000, and much more. 60 pages

Price: $7.95

SOFTWARE P.O. Box 14655 Gainesville, FL 32604 904/462-1086 (6 pm - 9 pm EDT)

Alll prices are pre-paid and include shipping charges. Florida residents must add 5

state sales tax

Time Designs Magazine Company 29722 Hult Road Colton, Oregon 97017 USA (603) 824-2658 CompuServe ID# 71350,3230

TIME DESIGNS MAGAZINE is published bi-monthly and Is Copyright 1987 by the Time Designs Magazine Com- pany, Colton, Oregon 97017. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part by any means without written permission is prohibited by law.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $16.95 a year for six issues (U.S. funds only), mailed in the U.S. No extra charge for Canada or Mexico (mailed “surface” rate). All other countries please write for information on surface and air mail rates.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Customer satisfaction is our goal. For subscription service problems, or any ques- tions and comments, please write or cal

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please call or write our office if there Is any change in your current mailing address to prevent delay or even loss of service. The U.S. Postal Service will not always reliably forward magazines (believe us, not them!). Notify us as soon as you know of any changes.

RENEWAL TIME? To determine your expiration date, simply read the date posted in the upper-right corner of your mailing label (magazine cover). For an example, "Novi89" would indicate that the November/December 1989 issue would be the last issue received. A form is provided elsewhere to renew your subscription. We also send one notice in case you forget. An early renewal is very much appreciated, and let us know we are doing an adequate job.

DEALERS, HARDWARE/SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS: Write for our display ad rate card, and find out how you can reach the largest number of Timex Sinclair users In North America.

TIME DESIGNS is: Managing Editor: Tim Woods Assistant Editor: Stephanie Woods

Production Assistants: D. L. Woods Don Axmaker Kim Axmaker

Photography: (unless otherwise noted) Thomas B. Judd

Printing: Al Underberg and Toad’L Litho Printing & Com- position, Oregon City, Oregon 97045,

Frequent Contributors: Joe Williamson, Paul Bingham, Wes Brzozowski, Michael E. Carver, Tim Stoddard, Earl V. Dunnington, Syd Wyncoop, Zack Xavier Haquer, Fred Nachbaur, Mike de Sosa, Joe Newman, Stan Lemke, Duncan Teague, Albert F. Rodriguez, Bill Ferrebee, William C. Andrews, Dick Wagner, Dennis Silvestri, Gale Henslee, M. Vincent Lyon, J. Kevin Paulsen, Warren Fricke, Charles E. Goyette, Kenneth Fracchia, Dennis Jurrles, Floyd Chrysler, D. Hutchinson, Herb Bowers, Sr., John McMichael, and others.

International Correspondent: R. Lussier

NOTICE: Contributors to TIME DESIGNS are independent of the TIME DESIGNS MAGAZINE CO., and opinions expressed in the contents of this publication are not necessarily those of the management staff or its adver. tigers, Time Designs Magazine Co, will not be held lable for any damage of Consequences resuiting from instructions, assertions of fac, review of pro- {ducts or companies provided in the magazine's content. Its recommended that anyone attempting to modity thelr computer or constructing an elec: twical project should seek help trom more knowledgeable individuals.



Information for all models of SINCLAIR, TIMEX, and AMSTRAD personal computers. Serving North America and the International community.


Telecommunications II

We sure have some sharp reader's out there, and I've heard from more than just one this past month. It clues me in, that folks really read this magazin that I'm not pasting up all of these articles j my health (which isn't the cai magazine or newsletter editor!). the deadline approac! critical stage for the last rf (Nov/Dec), wi ill missing some key articles on "TS Telecommunications" (some of our writers were running a bit behind...understandable, since this all took place right around the Holidays), and I had badly miscalculated our available ad sj Not to mention that our printer was patiently ing, the magazines had to reach the bulk mail center before Thanksgiving, or delivery before Christ: couldn't be guaranteed

The result was, after a nightmarish attempt to wrap things up at the last minute, we ended up with much less than the Telecommunications issue we had planned for. And thus, our mailbox was full of good intentioned letters pointing out that "only two and a half articles, does not a theme issue make!

Exactly so, and we'll try to keep our th

in this issue, t

publishing a fen of the last time. Especially the Serial port printer driver program written by John Bell. This is the long-awaited sequel te an article we ran in the March/April 86 issue. It described how to construct @ Serial interface from a surplus Westridge modem board. Now we have the software to really make it fly!

Computer Graphics

e (March/April '8), will carry the theme raphics". The TS2068 really sh:

So look for some interesting articles on such Subjects as wire #rame graphics, pull down menus, and grey-scale screen copying. And I'll bet that’ Fred Nachbaur won't let the ZX81/TS1000 go neglected in this area either.

T have an offer for you. If you are a computer artist, here is your chance to be famous. Send us a copy of your original art before the next issue goes to print, and we may use it on the cover or elsewhere in the next issue. If we don't receive anything, we'll be stuck with using some of my artwork on the cover...and I'm not an artist! Come on talented people! In fact, we just might through in some sort of a orize to the best artist, who’s creation is selected fbr the front cover. (Note: please provide us with an original copy or a high quality photo-copy of your art, and let us know which software and equipment was used to produce it.)


AFFORDABLE, FAST, RELIABLE, EASY 1 USE and software to get you started? 815k per disk... That’s BYTE POWER ULTIMATE All this is yours for only $289.99 (US) DISK SYSTEH for the T5e068!!! DUAL DRIVE systen (sane as above but with 2 QUAD

density disk drives f total st it Cones fully assenbled and tested with 99 DAY OF LB’ negabytead erro tastes eres GRE OD warranty, This systen includes: 1 LARKEN DISK . INQUAD deasity aiekcdets thio per disks 4 Disk dri te ilable, pl ite f lensity disk drive en disk}, , K CASE, PONER SUPPLY and ALL CABLES- here iafornetiong eee Oe

PLUS you get 1 free box of 10 disks and free



A_conpilazion of all FONTS used in BYCE POWER Magazine. ..

gal pe LTTE ig xe ta 9 ¢ erased the urong file and could” L} rrip nob retrieve it?

Version. 2.0 Yes? Well this soptuare nay be

FUTURISTIC, COMPUTER, THIN, of interest to you then... SUPER SOLD. ITA



and 64 Column Print,

This program is not only used to retrieve files, in fact, this package gontains 20 DIS! UTILITIES! *! ia et s



This is the Rost complete package for the LARKEN syste! Available on 5 1/4“ disk (Double or QUAD density, specify)

Works on AERCO, RAMEX and OLIGER I/F vith LARKEN LKDOS cartridge

$29.95 (US) + $2.00 Postage/Handl ing

if purchased with THE ULTIMATE DISK SYSTEM...... only $24.95 (US)

asa BONUS, you also cex a FONE EDIcOk Zo. creace ‘your oun character secs!!!

$10. (U5) + $2.°° S/H


‘Create GIGANTIC banners for special events or just for funt

Feature over 60, graphic designs +1 GIGANTIC title font + 1 type font + 1 ADVENTURE font + cl font + SUPER BOLD font + WRITER’S TYPE font, you also get a GRAPHIC DESIGNER to create your own graphics?


BYTE POWER is a highly sophisticabed conpuberized magazine on cassebte for the


No longer will you have to type in long, fastidious prograns... JUST LOAD AND RUN?

BYTE POWER is the ULTIMATE magazine, over 100 prograns vere published up to now (9 issues). Most of these prograns are in FAST HACHINE LANGUAGE? And ue bring you this quality

progranning ab a very small cost... «LESS THAN 39 CENTS A PROGRAH! (based on a 12 issue suber.)

» » 849, 99


1_ ISSUE... 12 ISSUES.

Send In the Clones

This is a subject that I hesitate to tackle since {t opens such a big can of worms. However, due to some recent correspondence, I felt that it wai


ary to bring it up. Some months back, SYNCWARE NEWS, oldest TS publications still around, announced that they would begin to cover information on BM PC's and compatibles. Their decision was a result of @ “decreasing subscription base*...and also perhaps because both the editor and publisher have started to tinker with IBM machini

I don't want to be

one of the

judgemental about their decision, because sometimes a person (or company) has to do what they must do. Instead, I carefully monitored the reaction to this from our own readers I heard everything from "did you what they did, they're just selling the TS compu short!"...to, "I think {t's a good {dea...I use a TS2068 and a PC clone*. rt y to se

market. Just glance COMPUTER SHOPPER,

the attraction to the IBM through a recent copy of and you will see a multitude of

good bargains. ‘It is the new world standard, and about every new computer to come along can (in some way) utilize PC software and the MS-DOS format. There are drawbacks too! In many cases, serious software packages for the PC will cost up to twice the amount of what I paid for my entire Timex system. Also the complexity of the computer itself doesn't easily lend itself to the study of basic

computer principals and programming... not like our beloved Sinclair computers. Also, if you have been following along with what's going on in the market, you may be aware that IBM itself? is trying to shake

up the very market they spawned with newer models that will be basically incompatible with current technology (that's right folks, thousand’s of

beige-colored orphans!).

This all boils down to just a few points. At this time, I feel that to include IBM information part of our regular format in TIME DESIGNS isn't

really necessary. There are already hundreds of IBA PC publications, but only afew for the Timex Sinclair.

I do however, feel that it would be beneficial

to discuss in TIME DESIGNS ways t the bargain RAM boards, circuit cards and PC style keyboards. In fact, I recently discussed with Wes Brzozowski about this possibility, and he assured that there are several ways of doing th

I would also be willing to publish information on interfacing the PC to both the Sinclair GL and the new Cambridge Z88. Perhaps we could even review some of the new PC clones from Amstrad, including their new line of portables. After all, Amstrad owns the GL and Spectrum technology now.

It's true, that many of you use a PC both at home and at work...and I'm sure you could pass along some helpful information to us from time to tim

adapt some of

However, to restate our basic philosophy: TIME DESIGNS will remain a Sinclair magazine.

We all d to remain positive! Indeed we are orphans, but we are also the best-supported orphan brand around. I still enjoy my TS equipment and I still learn new things about it all the time, and hope that you share this same vi

feeling that 1988 will be a very good y to think positive!).

**T/S COMPUTER FEST NEWS** SUNSTATE WINTERFEST ’88 just weeks away Don’t Miss Out!!

Sunsrare rss wimreRresr ORLnwoo. FLoRioN

Vacation? How about the best of all Worlds!?

Central Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots in America and this spring it will be one better because the next major TS Computerfest will be held there in Orlando, just minutes from Walt Disney World, EPCOT Center, Sea World, Circus World, and’ most major attractions of Florida,

The Timex/Sinclair User Group of Florida a presenting the SUNSTATE 1/8 WINTERFEST ‘68 this March 4, 5 and 6 in Orlando, at the ORLANDO MARRIOTT on International Drive

Now is the time to start planning your family vacation for a week or so in this mecca of vacations


with the Winterfest weekend an added bonus to your itinerary. Just imagine, while you take dvantage of all the super deals and information

available for your computer at the Winterfest, you can send your wife (or huspand) and the kids off to Disney World for a day of fun and everyone is happy!

March in central Florida is ideal because it is usually warm enough to swim, yet much cooler than the hot, sticky summer months. The Marriott itself


is providing discount rates for our Winterfest and

has excellent facilities with four lighted tennis courts, three large pools, jacuzzi, and child's pool (all heated), health ‘club facilities, three

restaurants and five bars

The meeting rooms are larger than the ones at the last tho Midwest Computer Fests with more than enough electrical outlets (this place is used to having computer shows!) .

The Orlando Marriott is giving Winterfest goers a ‘convention rate" of $90 per night for single and double occupancy, and $105 per night for triple and quad. We do realize that this is much higher than what everyone is used to paying at previous Fe: But when you consider the locale, it’s quite a bargain. These rates will be good for an entire Weeks stay. There are other hotels in the area with rates as low as $75 per night, but you would have to then worry about transportation. When you contact the Marriott to make a reservation, be sure to mention you will be attending the Sunstate 1/5 Winterfest "88, and that you want the special convention rate: Their number is (305) 351-2420, and they accept all major credit card

To help cut costs, we will be trying to match up people who would like to share a room. Please let us know when you register.

Advanced reservations are now being accepted by sending your name(s), address and phone number to:

SUNSTATE T/S WINTERFEST "88 249 N. Harden Av Orange City, Florida 32763

Fees tor early reservation are $5 single, 87 family. Fees at the door will be #8 single and si2 family. Fees for Users Groups having a table at the Fest will be $10 per table now and $15 per table at

the door. Be sure and make all checks out to the *Northeast Florida T/3 Users Group’. We are using their checking account to make things easier as they are one of the host groups. information you can either write to ddress, or call our 24 hour Winterfest BBS, at (904) 775-0093. Settings are G/1/N (it is a 300 baud board). And you can a: all this number from 6-9 pm EST: (904) 462-1086, for further information, For those who register early, we will be having @ drawing to win a free room at the Marriott for one


For peole who are planning on flying, we have negoti ith Image International to provide us with ti fanyiihere in the U.S. Trave! calling

poeta by 11800) -827-1960 outuide Florida, or (308) -381-1996 in Florida between 7:30 AM and 7:00 PM EST. Monday through Friday and 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST an . State that you are in’ to the Sunstate

+ Also let ti know whether you ground transportation or car rental to get to Winterfest. Ground transportaion will cost an +a real bargain compared

additional $10 round trip. to what a taxi would cost!

Software for the TS2068 from McBrine Computer Products

LIFE for the 152068 v. 2.0 ~ See John Conway's revolu- Honary'pattern-generating qaue for yourself!-t/tiaes as DRM S42 Works in both 256 x 197 and 512 2 192, bi fast a our originals includes 24 x 42, 48.x 64, and now Only. Draw (w/ OVER or INVERSE) ¢ Rotate screen in 4 96 x 128 in one program, plus saving & loading and an directions, a pixel HS a tine $ Flip left/right or Ry pe ta UA A Re i LT eT a er tamer te aa fth oretiee eee reheat tit ar keyboard § Screen duaps fros POMER PRINT..<+.20/99.95 ee = The tf -

mat ble printer with; Receny Teeeany oe, Ned interface. SUPERTOOLS ~ Reakill Header reader Renuaber (with

Factores: Bok correct LLISTing ngs 3 Accurate aspect-ratio 0 TOs and -SUB’s) $ Variable an Prograa tracer

bie screen. duaps'in 2 sizes # Text-only screen duans for ain hetodAtaate escent trite” partly relocatable, .$9.95 ‘speed t Print to seaory & Interruy e ee Habe spooler (like having a buffer in software’) % Screen duaps war rk Poataae a on all orders in se-col. fede (eng, 05:64) gray fetteaTaRe Send LSASE for FREE catalog! pecify interface and printer., (Will customize for your.

tee ois 4 5145. Jackson St. t Salisbury, NC 28144 printer; send print code data.). ae Tashi Staat ister Me

Some of the planned activities include seminars

covering hopefully all aspects of our computers, a Swap room, minor repairs to computers and We will have available replacement (new)

nd 2068's, as well as replacement SCLD' #or both! There will be a cocktail party with finger foods Friday night (March 4) from 8:00-11:00 PM, and everyone is invited, Cost for the party is 10 per

person payable at the door. The official hours of the Wintert © Saturday, March 5, 9:00 AM to 6100 PM, and Sunday, March 6, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Registration will start on Friday, March 4, at 12 cause of the international draw of the area,

ct to have both international users and vendors participating at the Winterfest. We have contacted several with favorable responses.

vendors we already have commitments from

At Computer Responsi AERCO AFR Software Clifford & Grey Computer Products Curry Computer Foote Software Gulf Micro Computing John Oliger Co. Knighted Computer Larken Electronics Markel Enterpri Guantum Computing Quantum Levels, RMG Enterprises Sharp's Inc Syncware News Time Designs Magazine Variety Sales Zebra Systems, Inc.

We also plan to have several electronics stores with disk drives, cables, etc. available for sali

To The Left: /s 2 picture of our “conmi tte: which includes menbers of the Northeast Florida 7/S Users Group (Jacksonville), 7/8 Users of Gainesville (7U6), T/$ Users Group of Orlando, and the TASBAG group (Tampa And Suncoast Bay Area Microcomputer).

local surplus power supplys

Start planning now for the vacation of your life! If you need more information, ples contact the Wintert BES, or write to the address above.

See you ther - Joe Williamson



New Items


Perhaps the best news to top off our list for 1968 is that Larry Kenny has decided to go ahead and manufacture his 256K RAMDISK expansion system for the TS2068. By the time you read this, it will be available for shipping. A package that Consists of a memory board with 64K RAM, and the LKDOS Ex-BASIC Cartridge, {s priced at $129.95 (+ $5 shipping). Other package plans are available, including one

with the popular LARKEN Floppy Disk Drive System. Only 64K RAM is initially supplied, to keep the customer pricing down, As the user's wallet increases, so can the RAM chips, up to a maximum of 256K. The Larken Cartridge contains all of the Ramdisk commands, which are basically equivalent to

standard cassette/disk commands. works just like an only much faste!

Actually, a Ramdisk lectronic* tape or disk driv The Larken Ramdisk ts also backed up by battery, and for further sate-keeping of your data, a tape backup program is included. This new Ramdisk might be considered the “poor 182068 owner's disk drive system", but most wealthy owner's will want one of these too! For further info: Larken Electronics, RRW2 Navan, Ontario, Canada K4B-1H9.


This new TS2068/Spectrum software package has a professional touch, from it's packaging to the detailed and thoughtful User Guide. PC-DRAW VERSION

3.0 {is the latest from a new company called M.D.M. Enterpri PC-DRAW is a tool that, with a little practice, will design highly-detailed drawings of printed circuit boards suitable for photographing (providing a negative for circuit board etching). Version 3.0 is an improved descendant of version 2.0, which was briefly last year. Mike Davis, of M.D.M Enterprise: that owner

of Ver.2.0 can upgrade to 3.0 by sending 87.00 t:

Mike Davis, 706 S. Mason, Saginaw, MI 48602.

Interested 182060/Spectrum us

rs can send a S.A.8.E.

to the address above for a list of TS dealers who carry the new Ver.3.0. It is priced at #19.95. M.D.M. is only a software developer and distributor. They only wish to sell the program through dealers.


Tf you are interested in developing circuit boar like the example below, with your home comput and a high-quality dot matrix printer, then give your favorite TS dealer a call. Chances are, when the word gets around about this one, he just might be ‘sold out*!

WEAK DOLLAR FORCES COMPUTER PRICES UP If you have looked up from your computer monitor latley and turned towards the evening new:

you may have noticed what the stock market, the deficit, and the slow-growing economy, has done the U.S. dollar overseas. Especially in Europe, the homeland of our Sinclair computer and still” the of many hardware and software items purchased here in the States. As of this writing, the British Sterling Pound fluctuated sharply

between 1.84 and 1,88 equivalent U.S. dollars on the international currency exchange. No significant improvement is forecasted at this time.

What does this mean? Well, checking with the two dealers most involved in importing computer goods from the U.K., Sharp's Inc. and Curry indeed going up. For example

inclair GL (like the Trump Cari

) have 4 10%. Sharp's, Inc.

was forced to raise the price on the new Cambridge 268 laptop to $479.95, since previous stock was

purchased before the last big drop of the dollar. It's possible that of home-brew Sinclair hardware and software support may show a significant surge. While the number of independants who develop after-market items don’t even come close to their counterparts in the U.K., there is still a talented force out there who could produce, 1# called upon.


If your play'n and singing the ‘tax reform blues* this spring, you just might need some accompaniment #rom one of the two tax software

Packages released just in the nick of time. GUIK-1040 from Herb Bowers, Sr (ABBA SOFT) is for the 182068 and covers just about any common 1987 Federal Tax form and schedule, with over 80K of data in two parts. Herb Bowers, a former Federal auditor, bas a real knack at explaining the tax code, and his comprehensive programs pack a lot of extri Quick First Class delivery is promised for $29.50 postage

paid on to: 2588 Wondshir Circle, Chet

GL users, TAX-I-QL/87 will help! Peter Hale of ENSOFT has devised a template for use with Psion's

ABACUS (@LSS) spreadsheet which will aid in the #iling of Form 1040 and associated schedules and forms. 256K RAM is required, and there is a standard

version on Micradrive cartridge, and a disk version which actually prints to the IRS’ forms (just like the big guys!). Price for the package (either version) is 24:95 ¢rom: ENSOFT, Box 8763, Boston; WA 02114, —~


Is what one of our reader's kindly referred to, Dan Elliott, of Promise Land Electronic Since we first discovered and en Dan tn our September/October '87 issue n fairly busy performing repairs on types of Sinclair equipment. And now he

he has all has added the Sinclair GL to

the list of popular microcomputers he will service for a reasonable rate. We have received several notes of praise for Dan’s quality repair work, and

want to wish him continued Dan told TDM that hi tracking down replacement SCLD’s anyone has knowledge of wh custom chip, please get in touch of computers will remain on the ‘critical list* without it. For a service charge rate sheet or other inquiries, send a S.A.8.£. to: Dan Elliott, Rt 1 \117, Cabool, MO 65689, or call evenings

ce has

: On a side no’ pn having trouble for the 182068. If

to obtain this with him. A number

259-1712, Sunday through Thursday.

cd BETA BASIC 3.0 Robert Hartung reviewed the excellent BETA BASIC 3.0 programming utility package in the May/June ‘87 issue, which gives the user over 100

new commands for the Spectrum/emulated Hartung 1s ane of the most knowl



ot Beta Basic in the U.S., and has sp in writing about it's virtues. To quote from the TDM article, after a year of learning my way around

it a bit I am even more convinced that it provides our "toy* computers with what it probably the most powerful BASIC programming language available on any B-bit micro today. Robert Hartung has just sent us an Beta Basic: Andy Wright (the head of author of the program) informs me they have moved. MasterCard or VISA orders for Beta Basic should be ent to the new address- BetaSoft, 24 Wyche Avenu Kings Heath, Birmingham, Bid é6L@, England. Both Beta 4.0 with RAMdisk features for the 128K Spectrum, and Beta Basic 3.0 for the 48K Spectrum (and 782068), are Supplied on the same tape for 15.95 British pounds ppd. Beta Basic 3.0 alone is about 1.00 less.

update on etaSoft and

"after playing with a QL for with Super Toolkit I added, I still believe Beta Basic is far more "user-friendly* than SuperBASIC in its syntax and ease of access to most of the comparable programming features, especially when used with my Oliger Dos.*

ADD THESE BBS Fred Nachbaur of been working overtime This time he hi board of the Nicolson British Columbia, and ZX TERM EXCHANGE. The 354-4666. Settings

TO YOUR LIST Silicon Mtn. Computers, has for users of the TS1000/Zxa1. aged to secure space on a sub- Nightime Network, in Nelson, has appropriately named it the BBS phone number is (604) @ 8/1/N (300 baud). After you logon, go to SIG 3. Fi reported that there are currently 20 programs to download, along with a TS message base.

James Rodlin is SYSOP of the TIMEWARP BBS, a 24

hour, all Sinclair board, located in the Boston area. The phone number is (617) 481-0555. Settings are 8/1/N (300 baud). James has some plans for the

*T will be upgrading to 1200 baud once TMx-64

leased. There are currently eight sub-boards. and more will be coming once I get more disk drives for my system (the new Larken DOS). I use the 781000, TS2068, Spectrum, and @L.* Why don’t you

give the TIMEWARP a try?

SINCLAIR ON THE AIR happen to live in the southern part of Texas you be surprised to hear what's going over the airwaves on AM radio. “The Computer Show" is a popular feature on Saturday afternoon's at WOAT Radio in San Antonio, Texas. While the “question and answer" format of the two hour talk show is geared more towards the IBM PC market, from time to tine, Special spots have been given to other computer including Sinclair. WOAI programming or, John Stewart, is responsible for the Of the show. He is also a Sinclair ui 4 owns both a ZX81 and a QL. Recently, spots have been

1 you


Want to do something unusual with your ZxX81 or TS10007 Would you like to control a personal robot?

You can control an ultrasonic range finder with your computer.

We have a “How To” book that details these fascinating projects.

We've got circuit boards and kits supporting the projects.

Need spare parts to repair your 2X81 or TS10007 We've got these parts too!

Send for free price list to


given to the high-resolution software from Fred Nachbaur of Silicon Mountain Computers (and TDM con- tributor), and also the Sinclair @L. In fact, a @L purchased from Sharp's Inc. sits in the control room at the station. Stewart claims that whenever the in- formation on Sinclair or Timex/Sinclair has been Presented, the response has ranged from favorable to that of genuine surprise. A lot of our the listners have a TS1000 or 2x81 tucked away in a closet, and aren't aware there is still support.

182068 COMPUTERFACTS Last year at the TS Fest in Indianapolis, representative from the Howard W. Sams Co. discu, the possibility of a Sams Computerfact for the Timex Sinclair 2068, with TDM editor, Tim Woods. Computerfacts are special information packets that Provide technical data to service professionals There is already a packet for the 1S1000/2X81. The 782068 Computerfact has just been released. Both packets list for $19.95 each. For more info, contact

your local Sams dealer, or call (800) 428-7267.


Dr. Faisal El-Shoufy, is Director of the Computer Training Center in New Iberia, Louisian: and has just completed programming five new arcade games that will be marketed for the Spectrum in Europe, but also will run on the stock TS2068 with- out any software or hardware madification.

The new titles include: WitchiGlenda (#8.50), Gulf War ($8.50), Rooten Tooten ($8.50), Knight & Goblins ($10.50), and Moon Fight (89.50). The games are reported to contain high resolution colorful graphics, well-designed sprites, and excellent sound effect Prices quoted above are for cassette tape and include postage. Shortly, versions will be released on disk for Disciple users, and on water for Rotronics users. Write to: Computer Training Center of New Iberia, 525 E. Main St., Suite 5, New Iberia, LA 70560.


On January 30, 1988, there will be a Midwest User Group meeting at the Linden Library in Columbus, Ohio, from 1:30 to 5:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to look at the possibility of another Midwest Fest. A tour of CompuServe headquarters is also slated. It interested, contat Mowgli 2000 Elmwood Ave., Apt.B, Columbus, OH 43212,


The CCAT/S User Group of Oregon is the host group for the Third Annual International/Great NW Timex Sinclair Mini-Fair, Since the San Francisco Fest was scrapped, the planning committee has decided to run the fair for two days and open th event up to the whole west coast (or anyone for that matter). Tentative date for the Mini-Fair is the Second or third week of August, 1988. A suitable site {is currently being selected in the Portland Oregon Metropolitan A\ Planning committee is a Placing emphasis on the whole family, and will have many activities for non-computer enthusiasts. The RMG BBS at (S03) 656-8072 is the official Fair BBS and clearing house for info regarding th upcoming event (settings are 8/1/N, and is operated through the evening hours and early morning). Start Planning your summer vacation for the Great Northwest,

PIXEL PRINT PLUS Stan Lemke informed TDM, that after a year on the market, he has upgraded ‘his popular Desktop Publishing software for the TS2068, PIXEL PRINT PLUS offers ten new features, yet is 100% compatible with

all the old ICONS, FONTS and #iles created with Ver.2.0, and also still works with the TASWORD con version utility. Stan has also written a new User Guide to accommodate the newest version, and even provides printer POKE's for nine varieties of Printers. Also in the works {is an all new disk

version of PIXEL PRINT for the Larken and Aerco disk drive systems. For further information write: Lemke Software Development, 2144 White Oak, Wichita, KS 47207.


Group Technology, Ltd., 6925 Dagwood Baltimore, Maryland, 21207. Offers a containing some TS items, and many other

Road, catalog products

Suitable for any computer. Strong on books, and hardware experimentation.

Frank Lockhart, P.O. Box 1131, Shelby, NC 28250, will send a free listing ‘of available

Software for the TS1000, 182068, and Sinclair GL, in exchange for a S.A.S.E. Mr. Lockhart has programs for engineering, mathematics, and some games.

Reader Survey :

data will be sa) to plan

collected, and will serve two © the format of future TDM issues